London is 14 1/2" tall and 25 pounds.
Clear for a full panel DNA Health testing.
N/N for NAD with ADDL Purdue.
PennHip DI: .25/.23
Normal Eye CAER Exam.
Not red factored.
N/DUP for the ALX4 Blue Eye Allele.
Full Dentition.
Smaller Body Size Alleles:
IGF1 - 2 copies
IGFR1 - 1 copy
STC2 - 1 copy
GHR - E191K - 1 copy
GHR - P177L - 1 copy
We love her pretty head & conformation.
You can go to this link on OFA's website to see London's health testing results.
OFA CHIC# 173583.
Echo is 13 1/4" tall and 13 pounds.
She is Clear for a full DNA Health panel, including NAD with ADDL Purdue.
Normal CAER eye exam.
Red Factored.
PennHip DI: .31/.49
Full Dentition
Smaller Body Size Alleles:
IGF1 - 2 copies
IGFR1 - 0 copies
STC2 - 1 copy
GHR - E191K - 2 copies
GHR - P177L - 0 copies
We love her pretty coloring and temperament.
You can go to this link on OFA's website to see London's health testing results.
OFA CHIC# 197737 .