Pink is Toy sized at 12 1/4" tall and 11 pounds.
He is one of our most fun and attentive dogs.
He is Clear for a full DNA panel, including NAD (with ADDL Purdue).
PennHip DI: .24/.22
Normal Eye CAER exam.
Not Red Factored.
M/m Merle Allele.
N/DUP for the ALX4 Blue Eye Allele.
Full Dentition.
Smaller Body Size Alleles:
IGF1 - 2 copies
IGFR1 - 2 copies
STC2 - 2 copies
GHR - E191K - 2 copies
GHR - P177L - 2 copies
You can go to this link to see Pink's Health Testing results on OFA.
OFA CHIC # (Coming Soon).
Tracer is Mini size male at 14 1/2" tall and 17 pounds.
He is Clear for a full DNA Health panel, except for one copy of CDDY.
Clear for NAD per ADDL Purdue.
PennHip DI: .19/.25
Normal Eye CAER exam.
Red Factored.
Full Dentition.
No Merle Alleles.
Smaller Body Size Alleles:
IGF1 - 1 copy
IGFR1 - 0 copies
STC2 - 2 copies
GHR - E191K - 2 copies
GHR - P177L - 1 copy
Tracer has the sweetest temperament we've ever seen in this dog breed. And he has plenty of coat.
You can go to this link to see Tracer's Health Testing results on OFA.
OFA CHIC #165425.